Mobile application to find the best welding position
Today, at Cablectando, we discuss Posiciones soldadura – ISO6947, an application to find from your mobile the most suitable welding position, according to the ISO 6947 and AWS 3.0 standards.
The ISO 6947 standard classifies all possible welding positions, an aspect that requires knowledge and perfect mastery by the welder when making a weld joint.
Posiciones soldadura – ISO6947 is an application developed by Messer Group GmbH, an expert company in industrial gases. This app, which supports Android 4.0 and higher versions, is a fast search engine for the most appropriate welding position, based on the specifications in ISO 6947 and AWS 3.0.
The application offers a description of all welding positions such as: the type of weld, cord, ISO 6947, AWS 3.0 and other additional data.
Do you know any useful application to identify welding positions? Share it with us.