Human team formed by a group of professionals with more than 40 years of experience in the sector of production of custom wire harness and manufacturing solutions of equipment and electromechanical systems.
People who have allowed the company to evolve and enter new markets, assuming ever greater challenges always oriented to the development of integral manufacturing solutions.
Workers who receive the necessary training to guarantee the optimal performance of their functions; as well as to contribute to their personal and professional development.
Integral de Conexión y Montajes, S.L. (ICM) establish as a priority to provide their employees with a workplace free of hazards and avoid damage to the company’s assets, as well as carry out operations, in such a way that includes the appropriate consideration for safety, health work , fire prevention and control of material damage in everything that is done.
This conduct includes compliance with the legislation on Occupational Health and Safety, conceived in the interest of ICM. Thus, the company undertakes to plan all their operations in accordance with the rules and regulations on Safety and Hygiene at Work.
ICM is fully convinced that all accidents, occupational diseases and property damage can be prevented. It is not a theoretical objective but, on the contrary, absolutely realistic. In order to compete successfully, we must continually strive to achieve excellence in all activities and work carried out in terms of safety, quality and productivity. These three premises support each other. In fact, one of them without the other two, is not consistent with the ICM’s belief that the right way to do any job brings all three together.
The General Directorate is responsible for achieving this objective through the prevention of personal injuries, occupational diseases and property damage, with each level of command being responsible vis-à-vis the immediately superior and the immediately inferior. It is the intention and function of the Directorate to implement Integrated Security throughout the chain of command, as provided for in the Law on the Prevention of Occupational Risks.
Likewise, the Management is responsible for each employee receiving the necessary training to carry out their work correctly and in a way, providing them with the necessary means to do so and training them in safe practices and methods.
In addition, all employees are encouraged, from executives and middle management to those newly incorporated into ICM (and especially to these) to join in the assumption of this commitment to safety and health as a habitual way of behaving. The Directorate is the first to assume it and for this purpose it will support the actions that are defined with the means at its disposal.
Francisco Huerta Ortega
Managing Director of ICM
Integral de Conexión y Montajes, S.L. (ICM) declares its commitment to the establishment and development of policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities among all people, without direct or indirect discrimination based on sex; as well as in the imposition and promotion of measures to achieve real equality in our organization. To this end, equal opportunities are established among all staff as a strategic principle of our Corporate and Human Resources Policy, in accordance with the definition of said principle established by Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for the effective equality between people of both sexes.
In all areas in which the activity of this company is carried out, we assume the principle of equal opportunities among those who are part of ICM, paying special attention to indirect discrimination, understanding by this: “the situation in which a provision, criterion apparently neutral or practice, puts a person of one sex at a particular disadvantage with respect to persons of the other sex”. In other words, from selection to promotion, going through salary policy, training, working and employment conditions, occupational health, organization of working time and conciliation.
In relation to communication, both internal and external, all decisions adopted in this regard will be reported, and an image of the company will be projected in accordance with this principle of equal opportunities for all people.
The stated principles will be put into practice through the promotion of equality measures or through the implementation of an Equality Plan, which entails improvements with respect to the current situation, arbitrating the corresponding monitoring systems. All this with the aim of advancing in the achievement of real equality between people of both sexes in the company and, by extension, in society as a whole.
To carry out this purpose, there will be the legal representation of workers. But, not only in the collective bargaining process, as established by Organic Law 3/2007 for effective equality between all people, but throughout the development and evaluation process of the aforementioned equality measures or Equality Plan.
Francisco Huerta Ortega
Managing Director of ICM
The HR policy of ICM (Integral de Conexión y Montajes, S.L.) is guided by a strict compliance with the law, which gives employees flexibility in labor and personal conciliation matters.
Likewise, ICM provides the information, measures and equipment (EPIs) necessary in matters of occupational risk prevention (PRL), to guarantee their safety and health at work. In fact, the management of Occupational Risk Prevention (PRL) in all Group companies responds to a PRL Policy that establishes as a priority to provide its employees with a workplace free of hazards and avoid damage to the company’s assets, in compliance with current legislation on Occupational Health and Safety.
On the other hand, ICM defends the conviction that all accidents, occupational diseases and damage to property can be prevented. Hence, the responsibility of the Management for each employee to receive the training and means necessary for the performance of their position correctly and safely.
Soft welding. ESA ECSS-Q-ST-70-08C
Crimping. ESA ECSS-Q-ST-70-26C