Why use PVC in the manufacture of cables?


PVC is the abbreviation of “Polyvinyl Chloride”, a plastic obtained from those components. It is highly recommended in the manufacture of cables for its many advantages over other type of insulation.

PVC is a thermoplastic resin which is easily softened by heat, and which is produced by the process of “polymerization”.

It is one of the strongest materials against abrasion and has a low weight as well as an acceptable mechanical strength. It also supports corrosion, weathering, impact and even chemical decomposition.

Because of its properties, PVC is the preferred material for manufacturers of products that require a higher durability.

PVC is a poor conductor of electricity. Therefore, it is best suited for use in electrical applications, such as the cable insulation. In general, it is an element with a lifespan of about 40 years.

It is always safe to use PVC products. Manufacturers perform multiple tests to ensure that the elements produced with PVC meet all international requirements regarding health and safety. PVC is a different material from the normal plastic. It is non-toxic and environmentally friendly.

PVC is not resistant to fire. In fact, it burns when exposed to it. But, it is self-extinguishing. That means that if it moves away from the source of ignition, it doesn not continue to burn. In addition, it is difficult to burn, it emits low heat and it does not form droplets by combustion, thus preventing the spread of fire.

Some of its additional benefits are:

  • Profitable material
  • Available in abundance
  • More economical than other options
  • Higher lifespan
  • Easy maintenance
  • Waterproof
  • Resistant to chemicals
  • Impermeability to oils

Source: http://wire-cable-industries.blogspot.com.es/2016/09/pvc-cables-manufacturers-bring-benefits.html