New preventive measures against coronavirus by ICM

At Grupo Espacio Industrial, and therefore at ICM -a company Group- multiple measures have been adopted to reduce the risk of contagion from the Covid-19, disease caused by the coronavirus.

Among the latest measures applied by ICM to avoid this risk in its factories in Aranjuez and in Illescas, the following are the main ones. Some of them adopted in both factories or only in one of them according to the specific circumstances of each center:

  • Supply of recommended PPE (non-mandatory by law), such as masks.
  • Updating and sending action protocols.
  • Sending communications and informative notes about: Emotional management of confinement, recommendations on correct ergonomics in teleworking, precautions in the use of devices with a high risk of contagion (coffee machines, registration of working hours, shared equipment in the manufacturing area …), etc.
  • Voluntary control of staff temperature when accessing to the facilities.
  • Installation of informative posters to ensure the interpersonal safety distance of 2 meters or, if this is not possible, indicate the use of a mask; to limit the capacity of common areas such as toilets, canteen, meeting rooms …, to avoid the use of urinals and sinks that are between two.
  • Placement of protective partitions between workstations that are facing each other.
  • Redistribution of workspaces, to guarantee the minimum safety distance, so that intermediate workstations have been eliminated, new ones have been enabled, tasks at the tables have been redefined …
  • In addition, the installation of shoe disinfection points is being evaluated; and facial visors are being manufactured by a 3D printer, to increase the protection of personnel in positions where it is not possible to maintain the recommended safety distance.

All of these measures are focused on protecting the people who work at ICM, who make possible the development of the company’s activity, focused on the manufacture of industrial and special custom wire harness of all kinds, integration of electromechanical systems and equipment, as well as a test card for electronic cards, fundamentally.